
パチンコ業界はクズでゲス [理不尽だろ]




Looking at the characteristics of digital fraud stores in Paradise, Malkin, PIA etc. located in Kashiwa Station in Chiba Prefecture, it probably will be like this nationwide.

· There are too many people who come out of a toilet room and do not wash their hands.
· Although there are multiple vacant models of the same model, somehow sitting next to each other with pinpoints, it is too much homo guy staring at the body towards people.
· It does not suck, there are too many scums just to direct people to cigarette with fire.
· Since the interior of the store is odorless beyond the sewage treatment plants, standing deodorizing agents or sticking their heads is too bad.
· You can laugh when you think that it is like a poultry farm, as if the figure pushing with the hands of the lower plate of the Yamato is unrelentable.
· Even though it is a narrow passage, placing the dollar box in the aisle, I think that there is a legal problem in the fire service, but it is neglected too much.
· Crime organizations shops only think of customers as money rather than customers.
· It seems to say that we do not have gratitude at all from the above, and "treat" to hospitality.
· I saw the scenery in the Osaka Ain in the Osaka area but it feels like it looks like a pachinko parlor including Paradise Kashiwa and PIA Kashiwa

The problem of the pachinko industry is that the fundamental part of "human beings", including passive smoking, is a problem.
Such inhomogeneous organizations such as pachinko will not be globally unless they are eradicated.


nice! 1
